samedi 25 avril 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] Citizens have no idea of the secret TTIP-bed and...

  Peter Iiskola a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945       Peter Iiskola 25 avril, 11:16   Citizens have no idea of the secret TTIP-bed and fornication between USA and EU. EU Commission is secretly in the "TTIP-bed" with the Big Brother, or the financial elite and US multinational corporations, in order to deprive the freedom from the citizens. The Big Brother will through TTIP control all people and make them slaves, as George Orwell predicted in his novel 1984. The secretly negotiated TTIP is a truly bad deal for democracy, consumers and the environment, both in USA and EU – but a very good deal for multinational corporations and financial elites. The TTIP agreement between USA and EU would be the death blow for democracy and make US- and EU-citizens slaves for multinational corporations. The TTIP or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (also called TAFTA – Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement) is being negotiated between the US and the EU since July 2013 in fully secret negotiations, and the public has no idea of what is negotiated. FULL SECRECY – NO DEMOCRACY The public and their elected representatives in USA, Europe and EU have been shut out from the negotiations. All negotiators must sign non-disclosure agreements. There is no access to the draft text of the agreement — even for Members of Parliaments or Euro parliament - so most of what we know is from leaked documents. Democracy is incompatible with the rule of secrecy! However, the corporate lobbyists are, of course, playing an integral role in negotiations. These lobbyists are spending big money to bribe the negotiators. STANDARDS WILL HELP ONLY CORPORATIONS, NOT PEOPLE Regulations designed to protect the environment, workers' rights, public services and consumer standards, will be reduced to the minimum. This will mean for example lower standards for medicines, chemicals and food safety – and the introduction of genetically modified GMO-food. PRIVATE, BUT NOT PUBLIC JUSTICE Multinational corporations will have the right to sue governments if laws cause them loss of profits. This would take place through international arbitration channels (private courts) that completely bypass public courts. This form of private justice will in a crucial way destroy the rule of law. Peter Iiskola Citizens have no idea of the secret TTIP-bed and fornication between USA and EU. EU Commission is s...       J'aime     Commenter    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Peter Iiskola a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Peter Iiskola
25 avril, 11:16
Citizens have no idea of the secret TTIP-bed and fornication between USA and EU.

EU Commission is secretly in the "TTIP-bed" with the Big Brother, or the financial elite and US multinational corporations, in order to deprive the freedom from the citizens. The Big Brother will through TTIP control all people and make them slaves, as George Orwell predicted in his novel 1984.

The secretly negotiated TTIP is a truly bad deal for democracy, consumers and the environment, both in USA and EU – but a very good deal for multinational corporations and financial elites.

The TTIP agreement between USA and EU would be the death blow for democracy and make US- and EU-citizens slaves for multinational corporations.

The TTIP or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (also called TAFTA – Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement) is being negotiated between the US and the EU since July 2013 in fully secret negotiations, and the public has no idea of what is negotiated.


The public and their elected representatives in USA, Europe and EU have been shut out from the negotiations. All negotiators must sign non-disclosure agreements. There is no access to the draft text of the agreement — even for Members of Parliaments or Euro parliament - so most of what we know is from leaked documents. Democracy is incompatible with the rule of secrecy! However, the corporate lobbyists are, of course, playing an integral role in negotiations. These lobbyists are spending big money to bribe the negotiators.


Regulations designed to protect the environment, workers' rights, public services and consumer standards, will be reduced to the minimum. This will mean for example lower standards for medicines, chemicals and food safety – and the introduction of genetically modified GMO-food.


Multinational corporations will have the right to sue governments if laws cause them loss of profits. This would take place through international arbitration channels (private courts) that completely bypass public courts. This form of private justice will in a crucial way destroy the rule of law.
Citizens have no idea of the secret TTIP-bed and fornication between USA and EU.

EU Commission is s...
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