jeudi 30 avril 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] We are getting closer to the Victory Day!

  Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945       Olga Mekhtieva 30 avril, 07:17   We are getting closer to the Victory Day! April 30, 1945 over the German Reichstag was hoisted pierced with bullets, dipped in blood - the red banner. The scouts Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria raised the banner over German Reichstag. The idea to hoist the red flag over the capital of defeated Germany, Stalin stated at the ceremonial meeting of 6 November 1944. This idea was supported by the Military Council of the army. By general oppinion, the flag over the Reichstag symbolized the ultimate downfall of Nazism. At the same time according to the pattern of the national flag of the USSR, urgently nine banners were made - there were so many divisions that were part of the 3rd Shock Army. Flag number 5, which became the banner of Victory, was carried by a group of three men, led by Sergeant Ivanov. Ivanov was fatally wounded during the breakthrough to the upper floors of the building. But Sergeant Yegorov and Junior Sergeant Kantariya, who were covered by their fellow soldiers, were able to hoist the banner. Late in the evening April 30, 1945 on the roof of the Reichstag the red banner fluttered, and two more were raised later. Photos du journal Мы все ближе к Дню Победы! 30 апреля 1945 года над немецким Рейхстагом было водружено пробитое пулям...       J'aime     Commenter    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva
30 avril, 07:17
We are getting closer to the Victory Day!

April 30, 1945 over the German Reichstag was hoisted pierced with bullets, dipped in blood - the red banner. The scouts Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria raised the banner over German Reichstag.

The idea to hoist the red flag over the capital of defeated Germany, Stalin stated at the ceremonial meeting of 6 November 1944. This idea was supported by the Military Council of the army. By general oppinion, the flag over the Reichstag symbolized the ultimate downfall of Nazism. At the same time according to the pattern of the national flag of the USSR, urgently nine banners were made - there were so many divisions that were part of the 3rd Shock Army.

Flag number 5, which became the banner of Victory, was carried by a group of three men, led by Sergeant Ivanov. Ivanov was fatally wounded during the breakthrough to the upper floors of the building. But Sergeant Yegorov and Junior Sergeant Kantariya, who were covered by their fellow soldiers, were able to hoist the banner.

Late in the evening April 30, 1945 on the roof of the Reichstag the red banner fluttered, and two more were raised later.
Photos du journal
Мы все ближе к Дню Победы! 30 апреля 1945 года над немецким Рейхстагом было водружено пробитое пулям...
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