mardi 28 avril 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] Sergei Aleshkov - The "Son of the regiment"

  Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945       Olga Mekhtieva 28 avril, 12:43   Sergei Aleshkov - The "Son of the regiment" In August 1942, in the lists of 142 th Guards Rifle Regiment, a new fighter appeared - 6-year-old Sergei Aleshkov. Soldiers picked Serge, swollen from hunger, in the woods, where he had been wandering for 7 days. Nazis shot his mother-partisan, and hanged his brother Pete. Two older brothers were at the front. The soldiers of the regiment were very fond of the little fighter. In hours of leisure time Sergei had time to visit all companies, brought the letters, newspapers to soldiers. During the fighting, Serge brought to soldiers live cartridges, water. By his presence he inspired the warriors. Once in the battle of Stalingrad, during the enemy's fire the dugout was filled up, where the regimental commander, Colonel Vorobyov was. The boy, under the fire of fascists ran for sappers, who quickly dug the dugout, and the life of the commander was saved. For this feat Serge was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" and the Commander of the Army VI Chuikov gave him a small gun. Sources:,,, # # BoevayaLegenda GL2015 Георгиевская ленточка Сережа Алешков - сын полка В августе 1942 года в списках 142-го гвардейского стрелкового полка появ...       J'aime     Commenter    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva
28 avril, 12:43
Sergei Aleshkov - The "Son of the regiment"
In August 1942, in the lists of 142 th Guards Rifle Regiment, a new fighter appeared - 6-year-old Sergei Aleshkov. Soldiers picked Serge, swollen from hunger, in the woods, where he had been wandering for 7 days. Nazis shot his mother-partisan, and hanged his brother Pete. Two older brothers were at the front.
The soldiers of the regiment were very fond of the little fighter. In hours of leisure time Sergei had time to visit all companies, brought the letters, newspapers to soldiers. During the fighting, Serge brought to soldiers live cartridges, water. By his presence he inspired the warriors.
Once in the battle of Stalingrad, during the enemy's fire the dugout was filled up, where the regimental commander, Colonel Vorobyov was. The boy, under the fire of fascists ran for sappers, who quickly dug the dugout, and the life of the commander was saved. For this feat Serge was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" and the Commander of the Army VI Chuikov gave him a small gun.
# # BoevayaLegenda GL2015
Сережа Алешков - сын полка

В августе 1942 года в списках 142-го гвардейского стрелкового полка появ...
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