samedi 25 avril 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] MOSCOW, April 25. / TASS /.

  Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945       Olga Mekhtieva 25 avril, 15:25   MOSCOW, April 25. / TASS /. The Red Army surrounded Berlin. "The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front had cut off all the ways, going from Berlin to the west, and 25th of April, to the northwest of Potsdam, united with the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, completing thus the encirclement of Berlin" - said in a summary of the Soviet Information Bureau 25 April 1945. "The fights in Berlin also developed uccessfully, - Marshal Zhukov wrote in his memoirs. - The Germans used all the advantages that fighting in the city gave them. The multi-storey buildings, massive walls and especially the air-raid shelters, casemates, interconnected underground passages, played an important role. In these ways, the Germans were able to go from one quarter to another, and even appear in the rear of our troops. Our troops suffered heavy losses, but, inspired by success, rushed forward - to the very center of Berlin, where there still was important enemy command headed by Hitler. "There were calles of Goebbels written by white paint on the houses:" All Germans will defend their capital, "" Stop the red at the walls of our Berlin "- wrote Roman Karmen in" Izvestia ". - Try to stop! Steel bunkers, barricades, mines, debris and bombers with faustpatrona - all were swept away by the avalanche of our troops. " April 25, Hitler said to the commander of the Berlin garrison General Weidling: "The situation should improve. The 9th Army will come to Berlin and strike the enemy with the 12th Army. The strike will follow the southern Russian front. From the north Steiner troops will approach and strike on the north wing. " "All these plans were Hitler's fantasy and his entourage, who has lost the ability to think really," - says Zhukov. Meeting on the Elbe On the same day, the 1st Ukrainian Front met with units of the 1st US Army. "The meeting of the two armies took place on the east bank of the Elbe, near Torgau, - the correspondent of "Pravda" writes "- From the boat, moored to our shore, the commander of the American division went with a large group of staff officers. He went to the location of our headquarters. Banner-bearers were carrying ahead the national flags of the three United Nations. The Soviet division commander went out to the river towards the Americans." The newspapers published photos of handshake of the American commander of the 69th Infantry Division, Major General Reinhardt and the commander of the Soviet 58th Guards Division Major General Rusakov. In honor of meeting of the Red Army troops with the allied forces the salute was fired in Moscow - 24 volleys from 324 guns. Offensive in the north of Germany The commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front Rokossovsky wrote: " The commanders' mood was excellent: they already owned 35 springboard for 15 kilometers. A little more - and troops will break through the enemy defenses. And we already begin to think how to break the enemy defense line on the Randov river, without complex rearrangements. But almost dawn broke, the Germans again launched a counterattack along the entire front of our strike force. The enemy was too late. By that time, on the west bank of the West Oder we had a force that nothing could stop. By the evening of April 25 the breakthrough of enemy defenses on the 20-mile front was compleated. Operation in East Prussia completed Troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front stormed the last of the German defenses on the Samland Peninsula - the city Pillai. "Solid structures of the sea fortress resisted even powerful shells and bombs, - says the combatants. - Pillai is Konigsberg in miniature." "On the morning of April 25 a decisive moment of the assault came - wrote Baghramian. - As soon as the fog cleared, the city once again disappeared in the clouds of thick smoke,raised up in the air by the explosions of bombs and shells. As soon as the artillery fire shifted from the outskirts to the center of Pillai, guards rushed forward and entered the city. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon its central part has been completely cleared. " According to the Soviet Information Bureau for April 25, on all fronts 125 German tanks and self-propelled guns were damaged and destroyed. In aerial combat and anti-aircraft fire 82 enemy aircrafts were shot down. Opening conference of the United Nations Tass reported from San Francisco on the opening conference of the United Nations "for the preparation of the Universal Charter of the International Organization for maintaining peace and security." Allies liquidate German "bags" "There is a systematic elimination of the German" bag "of 1250 sq km to the south of Stuttgart - TASS reported on the actions of the Americans and the British. - Allied troops continue to move deeper into the Shvatsvaldsky forest where German forces were surrounded." In Italy, according to the agency, "the Allied troops continue to move forward in pursuit of the randomly retreating enemy and disorganizing its communications. Until now more than 40 thousand captives has been captured, and many enemy weapons." Nazi atrocities From New York TASS reports the American press reports about the atrocities of the Nazis, - "Columnist of Chicago Sun edition Meklin describes the concentration camp in Langenstein, where 1 thousand 100 prisoners survived only because they were there less than six months - usually famine killed prisoners during 6 months ". © Tass News in pictures Meeting on the Elbe Valentina Pivovarova МОСКВА, 25 апреля. /ТАСС/. Красная Армия окружила Берлин. "Войска 1-го Белорусского фронта перерезал...       J'aime     Commenter    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva
25 avril, 15:25
MOSCOW, April 25. / TASS /.
The Red Army surrounded Berlin. "The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front had cut off all the ways, going from Berlin to the west, and 25th of April, to the northwest of Potsdam, united with the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, completing thus the encirclement of Berlin" - said in a summary of the Soviet Information Bureau 25 April 1945.
"The fights in Berlin also developed uccessfully, - Marshal Zhukov wrote in his memoirs. - The Germans used all the advantages that fighting in the city gave them. The multi-storey buildings, massive walls and especially the air-raid shelters, casemates, interconnected underground passages, played an important role. In these ways, the Germans were able to go from one quarter to another, and even appear in the rear of our troops. Our troops suffered heavy losses, but, inspired by success, rushed forward - to the very center of Berlin, where there still was important enemy command headed by Hitler.
"There were calles of Goebbels written by white paint on the houses:" All Germans will defend their capital, "" Stop the red at the walls of our Berlin "- wrote Roman Karmen in" Izvestia ". - Try to stop! Steel bunkers, barricades, mines, debris and bombers with faustpatrona - all were swept away by the avalanche of our troops. "
April 25, Hitler said to the commander of the Berlin garrison General Weidling: "The situation should improve. The 9th Army will come to Berlin and strike the enemy with the 12th Army. The strike will follow the southern Russian front. From the north Steiner troops will approach and strike on the north wing. " "All these plans were Hitler's fantasy and his entourage, who has lost the ability to think really," - says Zhukov.

Meeting on the Elbe

On the same day, the 1st Ukrainian Front met with units of the 1st US Army. "The meeting of the two armies took place on the east bank of the Elbe, near Torgau, - the correspondent of "Pravda" writes "- From the boat, moored to our shore, the commander of the American division went with a large group of staff officers. He went to the location of our headquarters. Banner-bearers were carrying ahead the national flags of the three United Nations. The Soviet division commander went out to the river towards the Americans." The newspapers published photos of handshake of the American commander of the 69th Infantry Division, Major General Reinhardt and the commander of the Soviet 58th Guards Division Major General Rusakov.
In honor of meeting of the Red Army troops with the allied forces the salute was fired in Moscow - 24 volleys from 324 guns.

Offensive in the north of Germany

The commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front Rokossovsky wrote: " The commanders' mood was excellent: they already owned 35 springboard for 15 kilometers. A little more - and troops will break through the enemy defenses. And we already begin to think how to break the enemy defense line on the Randov river, without complex rearrangements. But almost dawn broke, the Germans again launched a counterattack along the entire front of our strike force. The enemy was too late. By that time, on the west bank of the West Oder we had a force that nothing could stop. By the evening of April 25 the breakthrough of enemy defenses on the 20-mile front was compleated.

Operation in East Prussia completed

Troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front stormed the last of the German defenses on the Samland Peninsula - the city Pillai. "Solid structures of the sea fortress resisted even powerful shells and bombs, - says the combatants. - Pillai is Konigsberg in miniature." "On the morning of April 25 a decisive moment of the assault came - wrote Baghramian. - As soon as the fog cleared, the city once again disappeared in the clouds of thick smoke,raised up in the air by the explosions of bombs and shells. As soon as the artillery fire shifted from the outskirts to the center of Pillai, guards rushed forward and entered the city. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon its central part has been completely cleared. "
According to the Soviet Information Bureau for April 25, on all fronts 125 German tanks and self-propelled guns were damaged and destroyed. In aerial combat and anti-aircraft fire 82 enemy aircrafts were shot down.

Opening conference of the United Nations

Tass reported from San Francisco on the opening conference of the United Nations "for the preparation of the Universal Charter of the International Organization for maintaining peace and security."

Allies liquidate German "bags"

"There is a systematic elimination of the German" bag "of 1250 sq km to the south of Stuttgart - TASS reported on the actions of the Americans and the British. - Allied troops continue to move deeper into the Shvatsvaldsky forest where German forces were surrounded." In Italy, according to the agency, "the Allied troops continue to move forward in pursuit of the randomly retreating enemy and disorganizing its communications. Until now more than 40 thousand captives has been captured, and many enemy weapons."

Nazi atrocities

From New York TASS reports the American press reports about the atrocities of the Nazis, - "Columnist of Chicago Sun edition Meklin describes the concentration camp in Langenstein, where 1 thousand 100 prisoners survived only because they were there less than six months - usually famine killed prisoners during 6 months ".
© Tass News in pictures
Meeting on the Elbe
МОСКВА, 25 апреля. /ТАСС/. Красная Армия окружила Берлин. "Войска 1-го Белорусского фронта перерезал...
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