lundi 27 avril 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] They reached the Reichstag!

  Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945       Olga Mekhtieva 27 avril, 07:29   They reached the Reichstag! April 25, 1945, Soviet troops surrounded the Berlin group of the enemy. The battle began, which can rightly be called the last and most important battle of the Great Patriotic War - the assault of the German capital. In the photo 1: Soviet IS-2 tanks of the 7th Guards Tank Brigade near the Reichstag. In the foreground - Tank №434 «Combat girlfriend". The first Soviet troops entered the official city limits of Berlin (within the ring road) April 21 and it was the advanced units of the 171st Infantry Division 79th Infantry Corps from the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. However, this is a mere formality: the defense of Berlin began much deeper in the urban area. The number of troops, successfully shut in the German capital, was rather small. On realistic estimates - no more than 120 thousand people. In comparison with the almost 400 000 grouping assembled by Soviet troops for the assault, this figure does not look very nice. In the photo 2: Soviet attack planes il-2 of the 4 th Air Force in the sky over Berlin However, Berlin had been prepared to defend carefully. Major highways were overlaped with barricades that were erected according to standard rules and had controlled the narrow passages, easily lockable by trolleys with earth and sand. Urban Combat is extremely complex and difficult, and the units of the Wehrmacht, remaining outside the cauldron, were rushing in the capital, trying to unlock it. Even on April 24, before the formal closure of the cauldron, the Soviet troops crossed the river Spree and the Berlin-Spandauer channel. Then they started moving in Treptow, by 26 April were fighting in Neukölln, on 27 April the 12th Guards Tank Corps broke in Charlottenburg and began moving from the west to the Tiergarten park, which was destined to become the scene of the final battles in the capital. In the photo 3: Berlin. Soviet soldiers are fleeing to a new position The pressure increased. By April 28, the Soviet forces squeezed the Germans from the main part of the urban area, leaving them with only the central zone. April 28, Moabit district, hung over from the north over the Tiergarten and the complex of buildings around the Reichstag was captured, which included the the prison with the same name. Tankers 12 Corps came close to the western edge of the Tiergarten, and other groups put pressure on the enemy from the east and south, fighting at the Landwehr Canal and Berlinershtrasse. On the night of April 29, the storm of the center of Berlin started. It started with the capture of the strategically important bridge Moltke, leading across the river Spree to the area of the Moabites Königsplatz, on which stood the Reichstag. This was done by the same 171 th Infantry Division, as well as 150th Division, which later and carried the brunt of the battle for the Reichstag. In the photo 4: The fighting on the bridge Moltke Divisions, crossed the bridge, clung on the southern bank of the Spree and drawn into the urban area. On the morning of April 29, the Embassy of Switzerland was captured and the fighting for the building of the Interior Ministry of Germany began, which wore a catchy nickname of "Himmler's house"" by Soviet troops. It was the northwest corner of Königsplatz; there was Reichstag in the depth of the space. 29 April, 8th Guards Mechanized Corps came to Budapeshtershtrasse, to south of the Tiergarten Park and was involved in the fighting in the Zoo park located there. The same day, the 11th Panzer Corps, advancing from the east, went directly to the area Reyskhkantselyarii. Hitler, who was in Berlin on April 29, made a last attempt to clarify the situation with external forces, at least potentially able to unlock the capital - mainly the 12th Army of Walther Wenck. But Wenk, who tried to attack Potsdam from the south-west, stuck in the armed forces of the external cover and could not move to the capital. On receiving a disappointing summary of the stopped offensive of the 12th Army, Hitler committed suicide April 30, 1945. In the photo 5: Soviet soldiers in the battle to Moltke-Strasse But fighting continued. On the morning of April 30, the "Himmler's house" on the Königsplatz fell, and in parallel to the south of the Tiergarten the Soviet troops stormed the Zoological garden. By the evening of April 30, the main part of the Reichstag building was occupied. There is still arguing - who was the first to hoist the banner over Reichstag. Scouts of the 150th Infantry Division Egorov and Kantariya, whose names are included in all textbooks, hoisted the red banner on the roof of the Reichstag on the night of May 1, on the horse sculpture of Kaiser Wilhelm. However, 3-4 hours before that, in the late evening of 30 April, on the roof of the Reichstag the Soviet flag had already appeared there, raised by artillery scouts of the assault team of the 79th Rifle Corps. - Zagitov, Lisimenko, Bobrov and Minin. In the photo 6: Soviet assault group with a banner moves to the Reichstag In the end, it did not matter. The Reichstag was taken on the night of May 1, but the fighting in Berlin has not yet ended. On the morning of May 1st , 2nd Guards Tank Army stormed the center of resistance at the station es ban Tiergarten, and the building of Kroll Opera, located to the south of "Himmler's house" across the square from the Reichstag, was only cleared the night of May 2. At 3 am on May 1, in the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army of General Vasily Chuikov, the head of the German General Staff, Hans Krebs, arrived. He said that Hitler had committed suicide, in his place Chancellor Goebbels was appointed and he, Krebs, was authorized to negotiate for peace. Chuikov, after hearing Krebs, said that he, in turn, was not authorized by anyone to negotiate and the position of the Soviet government so far has not changed: only the unconditional surrender. In the photo 7: Lieutenant General Hans Krebs at headquarters of the Soviet troops in Berlin Krebs' visit was reported to Zhukov, who asked Krebs a few questions and repeated the demand for surrender. Krebs went back, and then the German side informed about the unacceptability of such conditions, and the fighting resumed with renewed vigor. The same evening Krebs shot himself, on the same day and Goebbels committed suicide. The situation was clearly too long, and it had to be ended. Around midnight on the night of May 2, from the German side again reported sending envoys. At the Potsdam bridge arrived Chief of Staff of the 56th Panzer Corps Colonel Theodore von Dufving, who immediately said that the commandant of the defense of Berlin Helmuth Weidling had authorized him to announce the surrender of troops in the capital. By the end of May 2 in Berlin the organized resistance ceased. Soviet soldiers signed on the Reichstag, putting a fat point in the Great War. In the photo 8: Victory Banner over the Reichstag Дошли 25 апреля 1945 года советские войска завершили окружение берлинской группировки. Начиналась битва, к...       J'aime     Commenter     Partager    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva a publié dans The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Olga Mekhtieva
27 avril, 07:29
They reached the Reichstag!

April 25, 1945, Soviet troops surrounded the Berlin group of the enemy. The battle began, which can rightly be called the last and most important battle of the Great Patriotic War - the assault of the German capital.

In the photo 1:
Soviet IS-2 tanks of the 7th Guards Tank Brigade near the Reichstag. In the foreground - Tank №434 «Combat girlfriend".

The first Soviet troops entered the official city limits of Berlin (within the ring road) April 21 and it was the advanced units of the 171st Infantry Division 79th Infantry Corps from the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. However, this is a mere formality: the defense of Berlin began much deeper in the urban area.

The number of troops, successfully shut in the German capital, was rather small. On realistic estimates - no more than 120 thousand people.
In comparison with the almost 400 000 grouping assembled by Soviet troops for the assault, this figure does not look very nice.

In the photo 2: Soviet attack planes il-2 of the 4 th Air Force in the sky over Berlin

However, Berlin had been prepared to defend carefully. Major highways were overlaped with barricades that were erected according to standard rules and had controlled the narrow passages, easily lockable by trolleys with earth and sand.

Urban Combat is extremely complex and difficult, and the units of the Wehrmacht, remaining outside the cauldron, were rushing in the capital, trying to unlock it.
Even on April 24, before the formal closure of the cauldron, the Soviet troops crossed the river Spree and the Berlin-Spandauer channel. Then they started moving in Treptow, by 26 April were fighting in Neukölln, on 27 April the 12th Guards Tank Corps broke in Charlottenburg and began moving from the west to the Tiergarten park, which was destined to become the scene of the final battles in the capital.

In the photo 3: Berlin. Soviet soldiers are fleeing to a new position

The pressure increased. By April 28, the Soviet forces squeezed the Germans from the main part of the urban area, leaving them with only the central zone. April 28, Moabit district, hung over from the north over the Tiergarten and the complex of buildings around the Reichstag was captured, which included the the prison with the same name. Tankers 12 Corps came close to the western edge of the Tiergarten, and other groups put pressure on the enemy from the east and south, fighting at the Landwehr Canal and Berlinershtrasse.

On the night of April 29, the storm of the center of Berlin started. It started with the capture of the strategically important bridge Moltke, leading across the river Spree to the area of the Moabites Königsplatz, on which stood the Reichstag.

This was done by the same 171 th Infantry Division, as well as 150th Division, which later and carried the brunt of the battle for the Reichstag.

In the photo 4: The fighting on the bridge Moltke

Divisions, crossed the bridge, clung on the southern bank of the Spree and drawn into the urban area. On the morning of April 29, the Embassy of Switzerland was captured and the fighting for the building of the Interior Ministry of Germany began, which wore a catchy nickname of "Himmler's house"" by Soviet troops. It was the northwest corner of Königsplatz; there was Reichstag in the depth of the space.

29 April, 8th Guards Mechanized Corps came to Budapeshtershtrasse, to south of the Tiergarten Park and was involved in the fighting in the Zoo park located there. The same day, the 11th Panzer Corps, advancing from the east, went directly to the area Reyskhkantselyarii.

Hitler, who was in Berlin on April 29, made a last attempt to clarify the situation with external forces, at least potentially able to unlock the capital - mainly the 12th Army of Walther Wenck.
But Wenk, who tried to attack Potsdam from the south-west, stuck in the armed forces of the external cover and could not move to the capital. On receiving a disappointing summary of the stopped offensive of the 12th Army, Hitler committed suicide April 30, 1945.

In the photo 5: Soviet soldiers in the battle to Moltke-Strasse

But fighting continued. On the morning of April 30, the "Himmler's house" on the Königsplatz fell, and in parallel to the south of the Tiergarten the Soviet troops stormed the Zoological garden. By the evening of April 30, the main part of the Reichstag building was occupied.

There is still arguing - who was the first to hoist the banner over Reichstag.

Scouts of the 150th Infantry Division Egorov and Kantariya, whose names are included in all textbooks, hoisted the red banner on the roof of the Reichstag on the night of May 1, on the horse sculpture of Kaiser Wilhelm. However, 3-4 hours before that, in the late evening of 30 April, on the roof of the Reichstag the Soviet flag had already appeared there, raised by artillery scouts of the assault team of the 79th Rifle Corps. - Zagitov, Lisimenko, Bobrov and Minin.

In the photo 6: Soviet assault group with a banner moves to the Reichstag

In the end, it did not matter. The Reichstag was taken on the night of May 1, but the fighting in Berlin has not yet ended. On the morning of May 1st , 2nd Guards Tank Army stormed the center of resistance at the station es ban Tiergarten, and the building of Kroll Opera, located to the south of "Himmler's house" across the square from the Reichstag, was only cleared the night of May 2.

At 3 am on May 1, in the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army of General Vasily Chuikov, the head of the German General Staff, Hans Krebs, arrived. He said that Hitler had committed suicide, in his place Chancellor Goebbels was appointed and he, Krebs, was authorized to negotiate for peace.

Chuikov, after hearing Krebs, said that he, in turn, was not authorized by anyone to negotiate and the position of the Soviet government so far has not changed: only the unconditional surrender.

In the photo 7: Lieutenant General Hans Krebs at headquarters of the Soviet troops in Berlin

Krebs' visit was reported to Zhukov, who asked Krebs a few questions and repeated the demand for surrender. Krebs went back, and then the German side informed about the unacceptability of such conditions, and the fighting resumed with renewed vigor. The same evening Krebs shot himself, on the same day and Goebbels committed suicide.

The situation was clearly too long, and it had to be ended. Around midnight on the night of May 2, from the German side again reported sending envoys. At the Potsdam bridge arrived Chief of Staff of the 56th Panzer Corps Colonel Theodore von Dufving, who immediately said that the commandant of the defense of Berlin Helmuth Weidling had authorized him to announce the surrender of troops in the capital.

By the end of May 2 in Berlin the organized resistance ceased. Soviet soldiers signed on the Reichstag, putting a fat point in the Great War.

In the photo 8: Victory Banner over the Reichstag
25 апреля 1945 года советские войска завершили окружение берлинской группировки. Начиналась битва, к...
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