mercredi 24 juin 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] What I want to note, however, is that by the end...

        Hari Har Dash 24 juin, 13:01   What I want to note, however, is that by the end of last year, as you know very well, people were predicting that we were in for a very deep crisis. This has not happened. We have stabilised the situation, absorbed the negative short-term fluctuations, and are now making our way forward confidently through this difficult patch. We can do this above all because our economy had already built up sufficient reserves to give it the inner solidity it needs. We still have a positive trade balance and our non-raw materials exports are increasing. Vladimir Putin on the Global Economy, Geopolitics and Russia-Europe Relations Speech at the 19th St Petersburg International Economic Forum's plenary session. Photo: TASS Preside...       J'aime     Commenter     Partager    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Hari Har Dash
24 juin, 13:01
What I want to note, however, is that by the end of last year, as you know very well, people were predicting that we were in for a very deep crisis. This has not happened. We have stabilised the situation, absorbed the negative short-term fluctuations, and are now making our way forward confidently through this difficult patch. We can do this above all because our economy had already built up sufficient reserves to give it the inner solidity it needs. We still have a positive trade balance and our non-raw materials exports are increasing.
Vladimir Putin on the Global Economy, Geopolitics and Russia-Europe Relations
Speech at the 19th St Petersburg International Economic Forum's plenary session. Photo: TASS Preside...
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