jeudi 28 mai 2015

[The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945] The Ossetian-Georgian border. Summer of 2008...

        Светлозар Радев 28 mai, 16:25   The Ossetian-Georgian border. Summer of 2008 year. One Russian soldier stopped a whole Georgian company reinforced by American military advisers. They got scared and turned back. It's not about some kind of "superman" Hollywood style bullshit at all. Of course they could kill him just because they outnumbered him incomparably. Simply he was accepted his own death. His opponents did not. They retreat. As a curious circumstance for some pay attention of the color and ethnic features of this particular Russian soldier by the way. The situation was real and the documentary photos (plus eyewitnesses reports) are quite authentic also. It's not a propaganda theatre.       J'aime     Commenter     Partager    
   The Victory Day over fascism, 9 May 1945
Светлозар Радев
28 mai, 16:25
The Ossetian-Georgian border. Summer of 2008 year. One Russian soldier stopped a whole Georgian company reinforced by American military advisers. They got scared and turned back. It's not about some kind of "superman" Hollywood style bullshit at all. Of course they could kill him just because they outnumbered him incomparably. Simply he was accepted his own death. His opponents did not. They retreat. As a curious circumstance for some pay attention of the color and ethnic features of this particular Russian soldier by the way. The situation was real and the documentary photos (plus eyewitnesses reports) are quite authentic also. It's not a propaganda theatre.
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