samedi 22 février 2014

Press Releases



Press Releases

Reward Offered in Killing of Three California Sea Otters Found at Asilomar Beach, California
2/18/2014 4:30:43 PM

$21,000 posted for information about the crime



Slaughter of Hundreds of Wild Bison Started This Week Just Outside Yellowstone: Over 45,000 Concerned Citizens Urge Governor Bullock to Stop These Senseless Deaths
2/14/2014 7:36:09 PM

Slaughter of Hundreds of Wild Bison Started This Week Just Outside Yellowstone:

Over 45,000 Concerned Citizens Urge Governor Bullock to Stop These Senseless Deaths


February 14, 2014

Jonathan Proctor,; (406) 214-5327


Idaho Intent on Killing Wolves in the Wilderness: New plan aims to reduce population by 60% to please elk hunters
2/12/2014 10:33:37 PM

NEWS RELEASE: February 12, 2014

Tim Preso, Earthjustice, (406) 586-9699
Suzanne Stone, Defenders of Wildlife, (208) 861-4655

George Nickas, Wilderness Watch, (406) 542-2048
Ken Cole, Western Watersheds Project, (208) 890-3666

Noah Greenwald, Center for Biological Diversity, (503) 484-7495

Idaho Intent on Killing Wolves in the Wilderness
New plan aims to reduce population by 60% to please elk hunters


Independent Peer Reviewers Reject Fish and Wildlife Service's Gray Wolf Delisting Proposal
2/7/2014 7:13:25 PM



February 7, 2014

Contact: Melanie Gade, Defenders of Wildlife,; 202-772-0288


Governor Otter's proposed bill to kill wolves moves closer to becoming law in Idaho
2/7/2014 5:33:36 PM

BOISE, Idaho – A bill which would establish a wolf control board to spend a proposed $2 million of Idaho taxpayers' money to kill most of the wolves in state gained traction this week in Idaho's state legislature after meeting several procedural requirements. The bill will be considered in the coming days by the Idaho House Resources and Conservation Committee.  


Rep. Hastings' Proposals Cripple Endangered Species Act and Increase Extinctions
2/4/2014 3:56:13 PM

Rep. Hastings' Proposals Cripple Endangered Species Act and Increase Extinctions


February 4, 2014

Contact: Melanie Gade, Defenders of Wildlife:; 202-772-0288

WASHINGTON –Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wa.) today released a report and a set of proposals that would radically change the way the Endangered Species Act (ESA) works, severely curtailing the act's ability to protect the nation's most imperiled species.


Defenders objects to Washington state policy making it easier to kill wolves
2/3/2014 7:59:39 PM

Defenders objects to Washington state policy making it easier to kill wolves


February 3, 2014

Melanie Gade, Defenders of Wildlife;; (202) 772-0288

Suzanne Stone, Defenders of Wildlife;; (208) 861-4655


End of Year Count Reveals Dismal Progress for MX Gray Wolf Recovery
1/31/2014 6:30:48 PM

With only a marginal increase in numbers, odds are still against lobo survival

TUCSON (January 31, 2014) – Today, the Fish and Wildlife Service released the official annual count of Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. This year's count tallied 83 wolves, an increase of only eight individuals from the 2012 year-end population of 75 wolves.

The following is a statement from Eva Sargent, Director of Southwest Programs, Defenders of Wildlife:


President Obama reaffirms commitment to addressing climate change
1/29/2014 6:12:21 PM

President Obama made a strong commitment to addressing climate change in his 2014 State of the Union address.


Farm Bill compromise contains wins for wildlife
1/28/2014 9:34:19 PM

Bill agreed to by House-Senate conferees includes key conservation objectives

WASHINGTON (January 28, 2014) – Farm Bill conferees have released a conference report that includes several major victories for wildlife and natural resource conservation efforts. Environmentalists are touting the bill as a dramatic improvement over the previous House version. The compromise bill is expected to be brought to the House floor this week.


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